Alternative Nursing Careers

One of the best things about becoming a nurse after earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is the variety of job opportunities that become available to you. A BSN opens the door to a plethora of rewarding alternative nursing career paths both inside and outside the hospital, including:

nursing student standing by wall with NDMU logo

Flight Nurse

Flight nurses, sometimes also called transport nurses, collaborate with paramedics and doctors to transport patients in critical condition to trauma centers by way of a helicopter or an airplane.

Concentrating on emergency critical care either from the scene of an accident or while bringing patients to a different hospital, these nurses perform well under pressure, work with urgency and are great at multitasking.

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Legal Nurse Consultant

Legal nurse consultants assist attorneys by providing expert insight on cases involving medical issues.

These RNs can help with medical malpractice cases, insurance fraud cases, personal injury cases, workers’ compensation cases as well as criminal cases.

ABSN student with stethoscope

School Nurse

School nurses primarily treat students suffering from illness or injury during the school day or at after-school programs. These nurses also administer medication, maintain and gather data for student records, and determine if the student may need to seek further care from a physician.

Forensic Nurse

Forensic nursing incorporates elements from both the health care profession and the judicial system profession. Forensic nurses investigate assault crimes and accidental deaths, doing work in laboratories and courts of law.

NDMU student in blue scrubs working on manikin

travel Nurse

A travel nurse works with health care staffing agencies. They take on temporary assignments as a contracted employee.

In this role, a travel nurse may help with a shortage at a hospital, provide extra assistance for a busy time like flu season, or offer their services to fulfill a hospital’s specialty needs. One perk of being a travel nurse is that assignments generally last 12–13 weeks, providing ample time for sightseeing, hiking and exploring the area.

Additionally, the agency will often provide housing options and other recommendations.

NDMU student writing in notebook

For More information

Contact us to learn more about alternative nursing careers.